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Overview: Chief Strategy Officer - CSOsandbox

The CSOsandbox is a component of the education and management of corporate strategy of relevance to individuals and corporations designed to provide a platform to demonstrate:

  • the fundamental concepts of Third Wave Strategy (discussed below), and

  • ways in which it can be applied to practice either for individual use or for corporate activities.

Supported by the concepts presented in the book Corporate Strategy (Remastered) I the web site provides an introduction to advanced strategy concepts most suited to the extraordinary business environment that is expected to continue for some time to come.  The fictional case study (Third Wave Industries (T-wI), Security Printing and Packaging Division (SPPD))  is used in the web site story is extracted from in the second book on corporate strategy in the series (Corporate Strategy (Remastered)  I and II). This is in turn, deployed to demonstrate how the concepts of Third Wave Strategy are applied to practice. 

How does it work? Learn from the tutorials and the case study then make it your own playground - the CSOsandbox

Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)sandbox:
Introductory Video

Introduction to the

Designed in a format that can be readily duplicated and adapted to any corporation technology environment this web site provides a playful sandbox within which its users can explore, invent, innovate and share ideas regarding new forms of sound strategy practice. The intent of the web site is first and foremost provide individuals and corporations with readily accessible concepts assciated with tThird Wave STratgy while at the same time, apply them to their own situations and, their own needs in the management of stratgey practice.


It does this by allowing the practitioners to obtain:

  • insight into the structuring of Third Wave Strategy - along with an appreciation of ways to treat strategy as a system,

  • experience in Systemic Cognitive Strategy Practice; the various cognitive practices that enable the 'doing' of Third Wave Strategy,

  • experience in new ideas in doing and structuring  strategy,

  • insight into company specific corporate strategy systems and processes that will lead to an elevation in strategy practice overall,

  • a basis for meaningful, interactive collaborations and dialogue, and 

  • insight into the Future Corporation as it is appreciated, envisaged, shared, and simulated through a collegiate of corporate strategy practitioners.

​In essence, the CSOsandbox is a platform upon which the activities of formulation and implementation are brought together to give a true meaning to the terms integrated Strategy Practice and Professional Strategic Management.​

Businessman Using Laptop

Video: Third Wave Strategy practice for an era of uncertainty and disruption

Video: Demonstration of the CSOsandbox: Leveraging the CSOsandbox to land the role of CEO 

An understanding of Third Wave Strategy has been shown to enable strategy practitioners to take greater control of their strategic thinking and the strategic decisions they make. Its value is demonstrated in the above video which described key elements of the the Third Wave Strategy system - the platform upon which the CSOSandbox web site is also based.  This platform incorporates all of the items presented in the video including a Strategic Architecture, the foundation stone of Third Wave Strategy practice and a micro system in its own right. The Strategic Architecture and its derivative, an Integrated Value System is discussed in some detail, in the sandbox, as are explanations and examples of: a  Strategy Blueprint, Strategy Evaluation exercises, the concepts of  Program of Continual Strategy Renewal and Strategic Alignment. 

Amazon: An example of Third Wave Strategy in practice

Amazon is an example of an organisation that exhibits  Third Wave Strategy attributes. Their story explores the strategic thinking behind the company’s founder and past Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Jeff Bezos, who intuitively or otherwise applied many Third Wave Strategy philosophies to practice. As demonstrated in the video opposite, Third Wave Strategy practice at Amazon is made up of four key elements.

  1. Stakeholder engagement 

  2. Cognition and change 

  3. Systems and process

  4. Formal strategy practice

Third Wave Strategy has its roots in empirical research while benefitting from the practical experience gained by individual contributors who have obtained extensive experience in industry, management consulting, MBA, DBA and PhD teaching, research and executive education.  


Video: Elements of Third Wave Strategy observed at Amazon

The concept of Third Wave Strategy is explained in depth in the books Corporate Strategy (Remastered) I and II (below). The titles  refer to the idea of a remastering of contemporary strategy practices, many of which have their roots in the 1960's 'strategic planning' a regime referred to in the 'History of Strategy' video (above). Third wave strategy expands and combines past theories and practices  to accommodate higher levels of cognitive consciousness and complexity. Newly elevated levels of strategic thinking are supported by more relevant, and better structured context, in an environment of high visibility. As discussed in Corporate Strategy (Remastered) I.

Systemic Cognitive Strategy Practice (SCSP)

  • SCSP is practiced by a group of future-focused, strategically oriented enthusiasts within a corporation who are  already working within or in a capacity that is closely aligned to the organisation’s strategy and its future. 

  • SCSP is complimentary to open strategy practice, cardholders are charged with the conduct of problem-specific, deep-dive strategic analysis. 

  • SCSP members may include:

    • those possessing advanced insight and a comprehensive analytical capability from a strategic perspective,

    • those who are keen to get involved with the continued evolution of the corporation of the future, or

    • those occupying an informed position in the company (for example, the organisational learning cohort, customer service officers, holders of intellectual property or incumbents in some form of specialist role).

  • The core SCSP group will represent a privileged membership of individuals drawn from across the business and from outside the business when suitable. 

  • The group will be supported by members of a more broad based, strategically focused group who are members of a corporate specific ‘Community of Strategy Practice’ (COSP).

Video: Elements of Systemic Cognitive Strategy Practice 

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